Halfway through September I am once again honored to present the Wild Edible Notebook, my journal-style tale of select plants. This fourth issue is about wild mushrooms.
In the first part, I share a neophyte’s adventure discovering and experimenting with shaggy manes (Coprinus comatus).
The second part, which regards Colorado Rocky Mountain mushrooms in general, is a little different than prior Notebooks as it is a told in a more journalistic voice. It includes interviews with Jana Hlavaty, the Czech-born U.S. Olympian who is also an avid mushroom hunter, and Vera Stucky Evenson, curator of the Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi at the Denver Botanic Gardens and author of Mushrooms of Colorado and the Southern Rocky Mountains. (Part of the material is reprinted from a recent article I wrote for the Summit Daily News, but I have also included portions of the interviews that were beyond the scope of the SDN piece.)
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EDITED 10.7.13 to reflect the new download procedures.
A pleasure to read…
A temptation 4 the lips & i’s