Have you ever wondered how to process lamb’s quarters or goosefoot seeds (Chenopodium species) into an edible grain? Sure, you can eat small amounts without processing, but if you want to make a bulk grain or eat it regularly, you’ll want to remove the indigestible dry plant … [Read more...]
Healthy vegan dandelion soup
This is a healthy vegan version of my favorite dandelion soup. Called manest, it is an Italian soup traditionally made with bitter greens, vegetables, sausage, and cheese. I learned it from my father-in-law's late wife Carol, whose grandparents gathered dandelion greens in … [Read more...]
Wild seed drink
This gorgeous wild seed drink is one of the best things I’ve made in a while! I used the seeds of peppergrass, a wild mustard you wouldn't think you could enjoy like chia seeds. But you can! There are many species of peppergrass (Lepidum spp.), both native and non-native. I … [Read more...]
Quickweed greens
As the season for abundant leafy greens wanes, I find myself more and more obsessed, tiptoeing daily around my yard and garden to fill my bowl. I steam greens and eat them with eggs for breakfast, fold them in great quantities into omelets, whiz them into pestos and green … [Read more...]
Fun with wild waterleaf
Waterleaf is an interesting edible wild plant that does not get a lot of attention in the wild food media. The local species I know is Fendler’s waterleaf (Hydrophyllum fendleri), a native perennial that grows from Colorado’s Front Range west, in damp to moist soil mostly from … [Read more...]
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